TES issue 5 (December 1996)
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One of the very first, and certainly one of the more devious challenges which
Knightmare offered its early challengers.
"You are the knight errant"
Treguard would exclaim "and you must play a deadly game of combat chess!" Back in those days, Treguard would grin with a near sinister look - as if he wanted the
dungeoneers to suffer. Sure enough, suffer they did, as many agonising minutes, not to mention
life force grades, were lost as guiders thoughtfully plotted their
The task presented to dungeoneers was unusually complicated, bearing in mind that this challenge often lay early in level one. Thankfully, most
teams picked up on what was required of them fairly quickly. The challenge involved taking part in a game of real-life chess ! The dungeoneer would take the part of the knight - two forward/back and one left/right, or one forward/back and two left/right ! Across the room lay the only doorway - the only means of escape ! Between the dungeoneer and the doorway lay a chequered, chess-board floor design - on which stood the deadly bishop. The bishop - for all you non-chess players ! - has a more simple range of movement, that being diagonally, in any direction, and across as many or as few squares as necessary.
Despite what I felt to be an unusually tricky early obstacle for teams in this series, 'Combat Chess' did not have the distinction of even one victim, and due to the nature of the game, there weren't even any close shaves ! An example of how teams could avoid the danger can be found in Anthony Haig and co.'s quest in series 2. Despite being a rather hopeless team, they strode through this challenge without any trouble, simply by working out the options the bishop had, and staying out of his path.
As with all obstacles boasting a ZERO success rate, I often find myself considering just what would have happened if a dungeoneer HAD failed that particular challenge ?! Combat Chess certainly offers some bloodthirsty possibilities ! Perhaps we would have been treated to a gory death scene, where the bishop advances, and begins to crush, or devour the hapless dungeoneer ! More than likely, the bishop would simply land on top of the dungeoneer, causing the life force sequence to manifest in the very depths of condition RED !
I suppose it's also possible that the bishop could run away with a woman, and lock the door - but that's another story !.....
DIFFICULTY : 5 : A lot of planning was involved
GORE FACTOR : 3 : No deaths, so I've no idea !
KILLER INSTINCT : 1 : Not one victim - sorry !
FAIRNESS : 4 : At least no one forgot the rules !
Written by and submitted with the kind permission of
Paul McIntosh.